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Monday, August 18, 2014

Ferguson, Missouri: Black Citizen Calls Riots "Planet of the Apes, Part III," Asks for Change in People

The world has been watching as rioters maintain total chaos and complete havoc in Ferguson, Missouri.

Rioters are destroying the very city where they raise their children by burning, looting, and other criminal mischief activities.

How much longer will these acts of violence and bizarre idiosyncrasies continue under the call-to-action slogan, "No Justice, No Peace?" Although everyone knows it will cease, what does this accomplish? Other than demonstrating the unadulterated maniacal and untamed animal behavior of these individuals, what do they hope to accomplish? Will Ferguson ever be the same? Time will only tell.

People took to the street after a Ferguson officer shot and killed Michael Brown, a young black man accused of shoplifting from a store.

Now, there are many accusations pertaining as to why the boy was shot,  many stories floating around — most flaring racial injustice, where hate builds up like Krakatoa and can only do harm.  Nonetheless, a boy was killed and the people are outraged.

Should they destroy the very streets where they live? Burn down their own salons? In the minds of frightened onlookers and bewildered global citizens sitting in front of their television screens all across the world, "No".

Someone with sanity and intelligence needs to speak up and begin a circle of faith that in the end, it will be what it will be. Someone needs to cry out to the rioters and help them to understand that these riots are not helping and never have helped.

Emerging Magazine came across a very upset black citizen whose message, although crude and direct, essentially tells Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and other civil rights leaders, they are only causing more trouble and discord.

The message of "No Justice, No Peace" is plain ignorant and will not resolve anything. This enraged citizen says the rioting and insane madness, is like "Planet of the Apes, Part III."

What better speaker than a fellow aggravated and embarrassed resident than this guy?

Here are the words of this citizen in this video.



  1. This dude is too damn funny!! LOLOL!

  2. ...and the sideshow continues! The media should turn off the cameras, stop the radio broadcasts, pack up and walk away. Cover the real issues effecting this Country.

    Our soldiers are giving their lives, parents mourning their children' deaths to serve this Country. Cover the educational system breakdown in the United States.

    Cover those that perform noble acts of courage and valor,and die performing these acts. Turn off the thugs whom steal and die for their criminal behavior, and those whom join in on the bandwagon as an excuse to loot, rob and steal, whom suck at the economy's strength, drawing benefits, never seeking an education, nor contributing to society other than to blame others for their dismal plights.

    The monkey circus at the zoo needs to be put to rest.

  3. I think if the guy had not attempted to steal or did steal, he certainly would have been alive today. The banter is truly annoying. hearing them scream it is this persons or this race's fault we are like we are is self-serving. Does it give them the right to loot, steal and disturb the peace of others, simply to serve themselves? Hell No!

    What morons to destroy the place where they live and their children are raised! It is the same circus every time. Makes me wonder what the hell, rather than to sympathize.
