December 03,2014
Contributed By: Reagan Jeremy
Once more God has spoken and one of his leaders has heard his voice, "Kill the gay population." In a recent sermon the Baptist preacher,, Pastor Steven Anderson from Tempe, Arizona, a delusional,
perverted and ignorant minister says the Nation can have an AIDS Free world by Christmas if gay human are exterminated. He claims Christian biblical writings tell him it is God approved.
In his sermon, found on You Tube he says, “Turn to Leviticus 20:13,” he says in the video, “because I actually discovered the cure for AIDS.”
“If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them,” Anderson read aloud.
“And that, my friend, is the cure for AIDS,” he said. “It was right there in the Bible all along — and they’re out spending billions of dollars in research and testing. It’s curable — right there. Because if you executed the homos like God recommends, you wouldn’t have all this AIDS running rampant.”
This maniac has run afoul of the Secret Service in the past and recently after openly praying in 2009 and again in 2014 for the death of President Barack Obama.
He and other God believing humans have caused enough problems for humanity, One important item one must consider is, if there were a God as described in any religious writing that would command or demand the death of another human being by another human, would raise some red flags, if one believes a God created the Universe and the humans living upon Its creation.
That is completely absurd, yet religious followers actually believe this rubbish. If the God created all humanity, and It is perfect and without flaws, then why in the hell would It want to kill others it screwed up creating?! If there were a God, then It could damn well handle this small task on It's own, certainly not requiring the lessor of It's magnificent thinking creation to handle the dirty work for It.
Yet, Pastor Steven Anderson and other religious writing believers and followers will continue their assault on humanity because they believe scriptures or other religious writings are taught to be written by the hand of a God.
He and other God believing humans have caused enough problems for humanity, One important item one must consider is, if there were a God as described in any religious writing that would command or demand the death of another human being by another human, would raise some red flags, if one believes a God created the Universe and the humans living upon Its creation.
That is completely absurd, yet religious followers actually believe this rubbish. If the God created all humanity, and It is perfect and without flaws, then why in the hell would It want to kill others it screwed up creating?! If there were a God, then It could damn well handle this small task on It's own, certainly not requiring the lessor of It's magnificent thinking creation to handle the dirty work for It.
Yet, Pastor Steven Anderson and other religious writing believers and followers will continue their assault on humanity because they believe scriptures or other religious writings are taught to be written by the hand of a God.

Religion is not fact, but merely a belief system devised and written by other male human beings. Civilizations have been destroyed, its people murdered, tortured and maimed all in the name of man-made ideas of a God or Gods.
Women rights are removed by religion, even men are sworn to celibacy, silenced as monks, acts that are not human nature by instinct. Every religion in the world teaches of a virgin birth or born of a virgin spirit, yet it is physically impossible to conceive without male sperm. Oh sorry Christians, guess you haven't read that other religions, in exist long before yours, teach of virgin births for their prophets.
It is time to but an end to religion before it destroys the human race and the place we call home. Religion has no place in political laws, public schools or publicly displayed as truth. Religion is responsible for more deaths, murder, bigotry, and mental illness than any other writing in the world.
If you believe in religion and the dogmas of your "faith," fine, but keep it to yourself or keep it has a social group gathering, similar to vampire, dragon and other folklore beliefs.
Pastor Steven Anderson and other religion leaders and teachers are corrupting the minds of unknowing children and adults worldwide. These types are against humanity, not part of the whole of humanity and should be silenced publicly, except where held in their social gatherings.
I support the peaceful unification of all ethnic groups and human beings worldwide. Myself and 1.1 billion others worldwide are standing strong against world religions, this guy is just another reason.
Editorial Note: Article was contributed by an Emerging Magazine contributor. Views and opinions are not necessarily the opinions or views by Emerging Magazine.
People like him are a menace to society and for those of us whom believe in true peace and goodwill toward men.
ReplyDeleteI read your article, Reagan. I do agree that religion has no place in schools, unless they are Christian Schools.
Religion is a faith-based system, That is why there are churches, for those who may want to believe or to be educated about someone else's idea of what is real to them.
Billions of men and women worldwide do not believe in the idea of God, God, Unicorns, Demons, Mythological Beings, Creatures, Etc.
They are ideas of what people believed to be true thousands of years ago, these ideas are not manifested in reality, it is not real although ever since religious believers were indoctrinated by Religious Leaders ages ago, to teach, "This is the infallible 'Word of God'," and then instilled within the minds of children from birth, then others believe the same idea.
There is nothing that can persuade me to believe in demons, devils, gods or any other fairy tale story, heaven, hell, nirvana or other mythological places of damnation or reward.
When someone mentions this stuff to me, I cannot help but to laugh, and feel compassion at the same time. It just astounds me that intelligent human beings cannot see in this day and time, that they have been dubbed into believing a man-made belief system, one their ancestors (even those living today), were tortured, raped, slaughtered, beaten, fed to wild beast, if they would not believe what the Religious Promoters were pushing civilizations to believe. We are seeing this today in other religions as well, Islam is performing the same tactics to become a religious power.
Religious belief systems work simply out of fear. You certainly do not want to blaspheme, or risk eternal damnation or horrible consequences, even one faith says to deny the "Holy Spirit" and you can never be forgiven and will endure eternal damnation!
Oh damn!!! Eternal damnation to what and where? When I die, my body will turn to dust and minerals. If I have a spirit within me and it is freed, then directed to a place of damnation, tell me... how does one's spirit burn and feel pain forever or a millisecond for that matter?
All of "Good" (religion followers) get to go to these awesome places that sound too close to a place made of things humans desire, or have made "Precious" on this Earth.
RELIGION: The World's Greatest and Superbly Orchestrated Mind Fuck ever devised by humans.
#religiouslies, #endworldreligions